Board of Communication
Purpose Of Board Of Communication
The purpose of the Board is to inform and educate the Christians in the Diocese on achievements, present activities and future plans so that all believers are well informed about the life of the church within the Diocese. It also promotes music and drama as a way of communicating the gospel throughout the Diocese.
Committees under the Board of Communication
- Print media committee
- Electronic media committee
- Public relations committee
- Drama and Music committee
Encourage talented people to write books in promotion of Christian faith.
Study of the Word of God
Promote the study of the Bible by individual Christians and groups using appropriate materials.
Liaise with the already established electronic media networks so as to see how best to make use of their establishments for the promotion of the gospel and train on the use of other media.
Creative Communication
Promote communication of the gospel by organizing drama festivals at all Diocesan levels; as well as encourage use of drama in church during Sunday service and other worship times.

Diocesan Board of Communication Chair

Rev'd Izza Kalle
Priest and Diocesan Board of Communication member

Mr Ismael Omol
Diocesan Board of Communication member

Ms. Beatrice Njeru
Diocesan Board of Communication member

Ms. Anne Kimani
Diocesan Board of Communication member

Ms. Vivian Ritho
Staff and Diocesan Board of Communication secretary

Ms. Gakenia Kagucia
Diocesan Board of Communication member
- Brief History
- Vision & Mission
- Core Values
- Focus of The Ministry
- Services Offered
- The Synod
- Standing Committee of The
- Diocesan Boards
- The Secretariat
- Ministerial Structure
- Parish Structure
- Board Of Communication
- Board Of Theological and Educational Training
- Board Of Finance
- Board Of Anglican Development Services
- Board Of Mission
- Kenya Anglican Men Association (KAMA)
- Mothers’ Union
- Youth Ministry
- Children’s Ministry