Board of Mission
Purpose of the Diocesan Board of Mission
The Board’s aim is to encourage and strengthen the proclamation of the historical, Biblical Christ as Savior and Lord throughout the Diocese with a view to persuading people to come to him personally to be reconciled to God.
Committees under the Board of Communication
- Evangelism and DMA Committee
- Kenya Anglican Men Association committee
- Mother’s Union Committee
- Kenya Anglican Youth Organization Committee
- Children Ministry Committee & Boys and Girls Brigade Committee
- Bishop’s Examining chaplaincy committee
- Hospital Chaplaincy Committee
- Pastoral care Committee
Proclamation of the Gospel
To encourage and strengthen the proclamation of the historical, biblical Christ as Saviour and Lord throughout the Diocese with a view to persuading people to come to him personally to be reconciled to God.
To take initiative in organizing Diocesan Evangelistic Rallies or Conventions in which the Gospel is proclaimed powerfully with a view to winning many to Christ.
To organize refresher courses for clergy on Evangelism with a view to encourage them to train others.
Research and Development
To carry out periodical survey of the Diocese to ensure that as far as possible the command of Christ that the Gospel is to be preached to every creature, is being effectively carried out.
To teach and to encourage Christians to take seriously the missionary task of the Church and to make them aware to their obligations to obey and as far as is possible to fulfil our Lords Great Commission.

Rev'd Evans Omollo

Rev'd Canon Richard Mayabi

Rev'd Paul Machira

Mr. Robin Njiru

Rev'd Philip Owuor

Mr John Onono

Rev'd Zadock Oluoch
Missions Director
- Brief History
- Vision & Mission
- Core Values
- Focus of The Ministry
- Services Offered
- The Synod
- Standing Committee of The
- Diocesan Boards
- The Secretariat
- Ministerial Structure
- Parish Structure
- Board Of Communication
- Board Of Theological and Educational Training
- Board Of Finance
- Board Of Anglican Development Services
- Board Of Mission
- Kenya Anglican Men Association (KAMA)
- Mothers’ Union
- Youth Ministry
- Children’s Ministry